The Top 5 Most Unique Games for Vive
The Vive marketplace is overflowing with lots to do. There's everything from your wave shooters all the way to your escape rooms games. Sure there's way more to it than just that, but every now and then a developer thinks outside the box and something truly unique and amazing emerges. Here are 5 games that put a twist on what you can do in VR.
New Retro Arcade: Neon
If someone could invent a time machine for gamers it's basically this. New Retro Arcade: Neon takes you back in time to a late 80's/ early 90's bumping arcade and allows you to custom tailor the 30 in-game arcade cabinets, 18 console cartridges, and 10 handheld games to just about any game that you can remember playing as a kid. Seriously. Personally, I have some great hits such as Street Fighter 2, Time Crisis, Donkey Kong Country, and more. I have yet to experience anything else that can give me the nostalgia trip like NRA:N can. You owe it to the kid in you to give it a shot, plus it has a demo.
Old Friend
When you jump into Old Friend for the first time you have to be okay with two things: you're going to be smiling the whole time and you're going to dance. Whether you're by yourself or people are watching, you have to be okay with that because Old Friend is a one of a kind VR music video that provides one of the most catchy songs I've ever heard and some hilarious dance choreography to go with it.
This game is made from the people who brought you The Stanley Parable and from the people who brought you the hit TV show, Rick and Morty, and much like the humor in both it is very unique. There is so much to be enjoyed from Accounting that I don't want to risk spoiling any of the good bits, but here's what you need to know. It looks fantastic, the humor is top-notch, and, best of all, it's free!
From the moment you begin to try Climbey, you know it's unique; there is a reason why it is a fan favorite in the Vive community. One of the things I DIDN'T think I'd be doing in VR was wall climbing, but, oh boy, is it a blast. While it doesn't really score any points for its graphics, it's simple yet slightly complex controls and core game mechanics provide a fun and addictive gameplay with enough of a challenge to make the times you fail drive you forward to the goal.
Richie's Plank Experience
When I tried VR for the first time it was about what I would expect in terms of content; there were the shooters, the fighting games, the fantasy games, etc. Never did I think I would be walking on the edge of a plank 500 feet in the air. While a super simple idea on paper, it is executed extremely well in VR. Extremely well... When playing or demoing to friends, I highly recommend you get a 4x8 board (or something similar) because you can place the board in VR and physically walk on it and it is a blast.
As a reminder everything in this article is strictly opinionated by the author. VR is a truly one of a kind and amazing experience, what you experience is determined by your own ambitions and curiosity. Make it your own.